Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Recruitment is undergoing a change. Not just a small scale evolution but a fundamental progression paradigm - a shift that will see recruiting landscape change in a manner where traditional recruiters will be falling behind and being replaced by new, differently skilled recruiters, ready for the challenges of Recruitment.

What is so challenging?

The current global recruitment landscape is changing with a fast pace. The global war for the best talent is real i.e. the talent mass is geographically mobile and happy to move for the best job. Further, the talent mass is getting more demanding, not only in pay but in terms of career progression and training and development. The experienced talent pool is noticeably shrinking in volume resulting for the recruiters fighting in a smaller talent pool to attract candidates across different sectors.

Also, the graduate pool is scarily becoming “less skilled” with watered-down degrees; ill-preparing them for working life. Talent is becoming less loyal and happy to switch companies every two years on an average. We see the market competitors are getting smarter in mapping out talent pools and attracting the staff away from their current placements.

While, the recruitment agencies are failing to be creative in attracting the unique talent to their databases, hence bringing about the “recruitment chess” of the same talent across companies.

There is a fundamental underlying core essence of Recruitment – “Not everyone is looking for a job”. The benchmark seems to suggest that only 10% of relevant/experienced talent is actively looking for a role at any given moment in time.

Thus, 90% of candidates relevant for your role/s are not engaged in job searches. The best candidates are typically among them.

Hence in a candidate short market that is full of challenges, companies must ponder on why they are focused on using recruitment agencies, posting on job boards, and CV searching, when they are not actually reaching out to the 90% non-active segment, which could include the best candidates out of the entire talent pool.