Friday, October 21, 2011


I recently read that Twitter is a little like coffee. It tastes awful at first, but then suddenly you’re addicted. (Anyone know where I read this so I can give credit?)

And so, if you’ve never even visited, this is a good primer on how to set up an account and get started. If you’re already on the service, but still don’t really get it, read this.

And now, our five tips:

Keep up with industry news. Follow thought leaders and/or people who post links to new ideas in your field.  To find people in your sector, try tools like and, which organize Twitter users by category.  Once you’ve followed a few smart, relevant people, you’ll have created a customized news feed of headlines that interest you.

Connect with people you’d like to meet.  After you’ve discovered some interesting people to follow, start conversations and re-tweet other people's useful messages (“retweeting” is Twitter speak for re-posting a tweet written by someone else).

Become a resource. If you have an expertise, share it. To help yourself look like a credible resource, complete your profile, including your location, a URL (your LinkedIn profile is fine) and key words that will help people find you when they search on your subject area.

Hire and be hired. Jobs are advertised on Twitter.  Recruiters scour Twitter to find candidates. And savvy job seekers use Twitter to network their way to new positions.

Minimize the self-promotion. The most respected Twitter users offer their followers useful, entertaining or interesting information, rather than self-promotion. These folks also realize that because people choose to get their messages on Twitter (by following them), they have to post valuable updates or others will not follow them. A good rule of thumb is the 80/20 split; 80% stuff about other people and ideas; 20% stuff about yourself or links to your site.

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