Friday, October 21, 2011


Hiring managers have love-hate relationships with resumes. If you give a hiring manager the information needed to make a quick decision about your credentials, you will have an edge over other applicants.

Here are SEVEN to capture the attention of hiring managers:
1.    Avoid producing the Job Description – indicate actual performance 
2.    Prove Your Value – summarize your accomplishments and provide proof of your value
3.    Quantify Results – use percentages and figures rather than just statements for impact
4.    Are You Up to PAR? – Problem, Action, and Results – write your PAR accomplishments
5.    Make It Readable - Preface accomplishments with a heading such as Key Accomplishments or Significant Contributions using bullets
6.    Use Power Words - Avoid dull or stale phrases such as "responsible for" and "duties include."
7.    Be Honest – The best strategy for your resume is to always be truthful about your background.

1 comment:

  1. Can you please give me your contact wanna discuss some HR issues 03133977565
